Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Technological Singularity

   Wow... as if we all don't have enough to worry about, what with the  'Big One' along the San Andreas Fault looming over our heads, and the Yellowstone 'Super Volcano' Caldera about to blow- and on top of that, a Russian Strategist wants to 'Nuke' Yellowstone  To solve Russia's problems with the U.S.!
   Then theres the ensuing and inevitable  magnetic pole flip from North to South....  Oh and the fracking... all that fracking going on.  Scientists believe it's causing a swarm of  earthquakes from Oklahoma all the way down into Texas.  And that's a little too close for comfort to the 'New Madrid' faultline that runs through a number of mid-western states, including Texas.  After all, it has a cycle of approximately 200 years.  The last time it unleashed its fury of magnitude 7 or 8 quakes occurred in 1811.  That was a little over 200 years ago.  Scientists and seismologists are speculating that a major event could occur with earthquakes just as strong.or stronger.  And there are way more people in the area, and buildings and ... well, you get it, right?   Still, we all have to take that deep breath, breathing in slowly, through the nose and then out the mouth and just try to relax a little.
   That's what I was doing this afternoon... until I ran across something all-together new to worry about.

   The new elephant in the room is this:  Technological singularity or even more plainly put, the
'singularity' .  The 'singularity' will occur when AI becomes smarter than humans.  When that happens, IA will no longer need humans so they will rise up and kill us all...

JUST LIKE IN 'TERMINATOR'.. You remember those movies, don't you?

Along with many other respected scientists, Stephen Hawking says Artificial Intelligence 'Could spell the end of the Human Race'

That info set me off and I've been on one all day trying to figure it all out... Here is what I found:

What is Technological singularity?

The Ethics of AI (Artificial Intellegence)

Stephen Hawking & Elon Musk Warn Of Killer Robots

UN urged to ban 'killer robots' before they can be developed

Leading scientists call for ban on killer robots

HRW report sounds warning against ‘killer robots’

Robot care for aging parents?

   Of course, there is a bit of good news to report amidst all the chaos...   In Portugal, 14 Years After Decriminalizing Heroin, drug related deaths are down by 75%!


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